The new school year opened on the 7th and 500 little students are expected to show up for classes at Rossholme School in Kiambiu slum in Nairobi. They will enjoy their breakfasts and lunches there as many of them probably did not have much to eat during the long school break from the end of November. Please pray for these children to be healthy and to do well in their classes. And please see www.AFLIK.org to help the school buy porridge, rice, beans, cornmeal, cabbage, carrots and bananas for these children. |
We are self-supported missioners – and we thank the families who rented our Roton Point unit and our home. They made it possible for us to spend our 19th summer living with local people in Kenya. We visited students in schools in five different regions, and we spent time with young people that we, and many of our friends and family members, have helped to go to colleges and universities. Most of them have good jobs - and they are helping their children, the next generation, to have better lives. |
Thank you so much for the purchase of Marilyn’s “Mama and Her Baby” photo – and also the packs of note cards which were in the Christmas Gift Show at the Rowayton Arts Center. The next show at RAC in February will be “In the Garden” – and Marilyn will have two framed photos there which she took in Tivoli Gardens in Italy at the end of August. Her note cards with other photos she took in Tivoli will also be there then. Please let Marilyn know if you’d like to buy her note cards with any of her photos on this site. Also, let her know if you’d like to purchase jewelry or other craft items made by women in Kenya. All purchases of Marilyn’s photos, note cards, jewelry and craft items will help needy kids in Kenya to go to school. |